Action point for weight loss

Action points for weight loss

weight loss

A study by Oxford University shows that those who measure their weight every morning and set a daily action point for weight loss can lose weight more successfully. Here is a list of the most effective action points you can consider:

Change Your Food Habits:

– Today, No fried food.

– Today I will have 6 to 8 peanuts instead of unhealthy snacks.

– Today I will make a list of what and when I eat.

– Today, I’ll count the calories of all the foods I consume.

– I will only eat three meals today.

– Today, no food after 8:00 PM.

– Today, I will not eat anything except sitting at the table.

Focus on Your Drinks:

– I’ll only drink water and tea or coffee without sugar today.

– I will drink half a liter of water before every meal today.

– I will eat fruits and vegetables instead of juice and smoothies today.

– I will not consume any soft drinks or alcohol today.

Be More Active in Everyday Life:

– Today, I will walk 10,000 steps.

– Today, I will walk or cycle instead of taking the bus or car for commuting.

– Today, I will go for a walk with my friends.

Burn More Calories:

– Today, I will walk briskly as long as possible.

– Today, I will take the stairs instead of the elevator as far as possible.

– Today, I’ll play soccer or badminton with my friends.

– Today, I will go cycling.

– Today, I’ll swim.

– Today I will do strength training or cardio exercises in the gym.

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