8 Easy and effective Habits to Weight lose

8 Easy and effective Habits to Weight lose

weight loss

8-morning habits that can help you successfully lose weight fast. These habits not only help you to lose weight fast but also make you healthy.

1. Drink Half a Liter of Water:

Drink half a liter of water before your breakfast. This practice can help you to decrease hunger, which may lead to consuming less food. Since water has no calories, you can drink it without any worry. You can try this technique before every meal. It will fill your stomach with less food, ultimately it will aid in the loss of weight. Additionally, if you suffer from constipation, drinking water can help alleviate this problem too.

Misconception: Some people believe drinking water before a meal can lead to digestion problems, but no scientific proof exists.

2. Fix the Snacks of the Day:

When we’re hungry, we often consume unhealthy food, oily food, fast food, and cold drinks. We all know these foods are not good for our health. You can solve this problem by making a plan for what you will eat when you are hungry. You can carry fruits, peanuts, or healthy homemade food in a box. If you have a food plan or some healthy snacks with you, it will be a bit easier to avoid unhealthy options.

3. Walk to Your Workplace or School:

When going to your workplace, prayer hall, or taking kids to school, try to walk. If the distance is long, park the car at least 10 minutes away, or if you are using the bus, get off one or two stops early and walk. Gradually increase your walking time. Try to walk briskly. If you incorporate some exercise into your daily commute and workday, it will not only help you lose weight fast but also, maintain the lost weight and improve your overall health.

4. Tea and coffee without sugar:

If you’re accustomed to drinking tea or coffee, try having them without sugar. It may taste unpleasant at first but gradually it will become a habit. Sugar can easily increase your weight. If you can avoid sugar in tea, coffee, and daily meals, it will help you lose weight more quickly.

5. Weigh Yourself in the Morning

Research shows that those who weigh themselves regularly can be more successful in losing weight.


Tip 1: The Best Way to Measure Your Weight


Weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach after using the bathroom.

Try to wear the same or similar type of outfit while measuring.

Write down the measurement in a notepad, diary, or app.

You cannot lose weight by simply measuring it, but you can easily notice whether it is increasing or decreasing and then take the necessary steps.

Tip 2: Some people may feel anxious about daily measurements. If you fall into this category, try to measure your weight once a week instead.

6. Morning exercise:

We all know that exercise is crucial for losing weight. However, with our busy schedules, we often delay exercising and ultimately skip it altogether. To avoid this, we should exercise in the morning before starting our day.

You can do any kind of exercise, such as:

-Jump rope

-Brisk walking



-Weight lifting

If you exercise in the morning, your day will start with positivity. If you have time, you can also exercise in the evening as a bonus.

7. Sleep well:

A proper night’s sleep is essential for leading a healthy life. Sleep is not only for rest. When we sleep, our brain is still awake and busy doing many important tasks. But you may wonder, what is the connection between weight loss and sleep? There is a connection.


Research shows that less sleep is associated with weight gain for many reasons:

– Less sleep can increase appetite.

– It can increase cravings for fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods.

– When you awake at night, you may feel like eating something.

– Less sleep can make the body tired and lead to avoiding exercise.

– Consistently lacking proper sleep can lead to increased stress, which may contribute to weight gain in many ways.


Proper sleep is crucial for losing weight. Generally, an adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Tips: After waking up, count your hours of sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep, then change your routine.

8. Set an action point for the day:

Let’s talk about a study by Oxford University. They researched 100 overweight people, dividing them into two groups of 50 people each. One group was told to measure their weight every morning. The other group was also told to measure their weight in the morning but, in addition, to take one single action for weight loss that day.

This action could be something like:

– I will not eat anything without sitting at the table.

– I will go for a walk with my friends instead of sitting.

– After 8 PM, I will not eat anything.

– I will walk 10,000 steps today.

They were given a list of actions from which they had to choose only one for that day.

After 8 weeks, the results showed that the first group, who only measured their weight, lost an average of 2 pounds. The other group, who took one action point along with measuring their weight, lost an average of more than 8 pounds in 8 weeks.

Tips: You can measure your weight in the morning and choose an action point for the day. It will help you lose weight faster.

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